Books by Noah


Finding and Sharing Resilience

Coping In a Crazy World

Noah Karrasch, a deep tissue bodywork therapist for 37 years, has created a series of five sessions of bodywork that talk to the entire bodymindcore—inviting release and return to resilience. In this book, Karrasch has chosen to share his ideas for bodywork to a general public; those who may not have time to receive bodywork but want to work with the principles of his sessions in order to create a healthier being, then share that health with those around them.

Each session will briefly share the goals and methods for creating change. Karrasch then offers ways one can make some of these changes on their own through simpler bodywork techniques, movement, affirmation, and learning to let go of the stresses and fears the world seems to hold in these current troubling times. This is a useful book for all who want to explore.


The Essential CORE

Bodywork with Hands, Head and Heart

After a 35-year career in bodywork including development of a particular style of deep tissue work known as CORE Fascial Release, author Noah Karrasch has created and evolved a five session series of deep but gentle work that speaks to the entire body, not just its symptoms. The first portion of this book is devoted to the philosophy of effective deep tissue work; the second section reveals the blueprint for each of five sessions, including goals, outcomes and techniques for each. The final segment offers additional techniques that can elicit further ease in the bodymindcore of the patron or client. Though not intended as a book to outline the treatment of symptoms, the reader will find that following the path Karrasch has created often does release symptoms as it restores ease and energy in the body.

Karrasch certified at the Rolf Institute at Boulder, Colorado in 1986 and disaffiliated from the Institute in 1991. Since that time he has formulated and evolved his own CORE work, dedicated to the idea that foremost among the goals of successful treatment is the creation of safety for the patron as well as the creation of a partnership on an equal footing. In “The Essential CORE,” he shares the wisdom of a long and successful career in deep tissue bodywork.


The Self-Care Guide to Surgery

A BodyMindCORE Approach to Prevention, Preparation and Recovery

This is a book for us all; not just those who are experiencing or have experienced a surgery, but also for any of us who are interested in both preventing potential surgeries and learning to live a healthier lifestyle in general. The first half of the book is devoted to just that: learning to find a balance of healthy habits including healthy liquids, healthy food, healthy breathing, healthy movement and healthy relationships. The second half of the book deals more thoroughly with the idea of what one can do to prevent that surgery, then what one might do when surgery is inevitable to get prepared for the process, and finally, what one can do to enhance the healing after surgery has happened.

Also included in the book is a chapter entitled “Mindful Movement, Where You Are.” The premise of this chapter is that we don’t need to spend money on workout equipment, clothing or memberships. We can simply practice mindful movement at the kitchen sink, in the car, sitting in a chair and watching TV, coming up and down stairs.

Everything about this book encourages us all to take better care of ourselves, and Noah adds many ideas that help us take small steps towards greater health, more of the time. A good book for nearly anyone!

Published by Singing Dragon


BodyMindCORE Work

For the Movement Therapist: Leading Clients to CORE Breath and Awareness

Noah Karrasch with Robert White and Elizabeth Buri

Body and movement awareness is the key to unblocking restrictions in movement and manual therapy. This book offers innovative techniques to help clients become aware of their own restrictions, and to move through them effectively for more whole body and mind wellbeing.

Published by Singing Dragon


Getting Better at Getting People Better

Creating Successful Therapeutic Relationships

Noah Karrasch

Drawing on a wide range of physical therapies and psychotherapy, this practical book takes a practical interdisciplinary look at the fundamentals of healing and good therapeutic practice. It includes techniques and ideas about how to communicate with patients and encourage their participation in their own healing.

Published by Singing Dragon


Freeing Emotions and Energy through Myofascial Release

Noah Karrasch
Foreward by C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD

Written for bodywork and manual therapy practitioners from a wide variety of disciplines, as well as other healers who want to expand their skills, this generously illustrated book explains how and where emotions and static energy are held in the body, and how they can be released and rebalanced in therapies that challenge bodymindcore awareness.

Published by Singing Dragon


Meet Your Body

Core Bodywork and Rolfing Tools to Release BodyMindCore Trauma

Noah Karrasch, illustrated by Lovella Lindsey Norrell

Many of us hold on to old fears and stresses and allow them to frame our lives. This book shows how to relieve these problems and help you look and feel better on a profound level. Based on the idea that the body is composed of twenty-one main hinges, Meet Your Body shows how we can 'oil' and free these hinges, so we can feel healthy and happy.

Published by Singing Dragon