It's Happening! CORE III/IV Coming to Springfield in July

I’ve been doing less and less in these COVID times, and especially as I’m now approaching 71 and not really needing or wanting to put as much energy into ‘creating wealth’ and more energy into ‘enjoying life’. To that end I hope to spend a longer time in Crete this fall, where I expect to work on my language skiills, visit with friends, swim in the sea and tend my small garden of potted plants. Sounds like the perfect way to wind down from years of work.

But, I don’t go quietly! Later this month I’ll be offering yet another CORE III/IV class, here in Springfield, MO, where four students will be advancing up the CORE ladder. I’m very excited that several are on the teacher track and I feel really good about the skills of those coming to the class. And an added bonus: Liz Buri, Level II Instructor, will be arriving soon from Malaysia to assist in this class and do work with one of the students who wants to advance the CORE work here in US. So overall, later July will be a difficult week, but the rewards of being with intelligent and enthused younger people makes my life so much more rewarding. And I am just as nurtured by their energies, questions, challenges as they are rewarded by my ideas and instruction.

I had a conversation recently with another instructor. I tend to offer a course, then immediately go back into my handout and ‘rework’ yet again…I want to continue to update and delete what doesn’t work, add what’s missing, and in general continue to improve the ‘product’ that we offer our students. Her comment was that the handouts are good as they are; why alter them? My feeling is I’ll never find perfection in any handout, but I can continue to work to upgrade and offer the best, most timely version of me to my students and instructors. So even when I retire totally, will I continue to tinker with the materials? Probably, yes.

Meanwhile, it is so nice to have a lovely summer…our town is now officially a hot spot in the COVID was; we have a vaccination rate of something like 36% vs the national average of perhaps 45—48%. Many people in our area are not only not interested in receiving this ‘experimental’ vaccine, but are actually suspicious of being around people who have been vaccinated. Though I’ve had my two shots long ago, I’m back to wearing a mask outside the home as our hospitals are now overflowing with the new Delta strain, and daily I hear more stories about people who wish they’d gotten a vaccine—while they’re on their deathbed. I’m aware that none of us has all the right answers, and that individuals do have rights. I’m also of the opinion that individuals have responsibilities as well…and for me, a responsible adult who makes the choice to go without a vaccination could therefore make the choice to stay at home and not be part of the problem. But, I guess we’re going to learn as time goes by, what the correct path has been. Personally I think I know. That is my decision, I hope you are clear in yours. Our class will be safe; vaccinated people, and wearing masks when we bring in models.

Here’s to a safe rest of the year!