
I’m aware that in retirement, I get less and less done, and it takes more and more time. I rather like this arrangement! However, it seems appropriate to let folks know what’s happening in my world.

First, my newest and hopefully final book is now available on Amazon: Finding and Sharing Resilience: Coping in a Crazy World is written for not only bodyworkers and those who may be going through a series of CORE sessions, but is actually written primarily for everyone! It’s my intention with this book to share the principles of each of my five sessions with the rationale for each session and its goals. Then I hope to offer ways one can use those principles in daily life to create a healthier and happier life first for self, then sharing the information with those around you.

I do believe the world has gotten crazy, and in some ways am happy I’m closer to the end of my life. Yet, I still want to be productive and joyful about my world, and in this book I share ways I believe I’m achieving this, and ways I think you can also find more resilience. Through modified blueprints, some science, some intuition, some affirmations, some movement ideas, and takeaway ideas, I believe we can all find more enthusiasm for our lives, even when they seem pretty crazy. I hope you’ll have a look! Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=finding+and+sharing+resilience&i=stripbooks&crid=1IC3MO7F800C1&sprefix=finding+and+sharing%2Cstripbooks%2C141&ref=nb_sb_ss_fb_1_19

Next, soon I’ll leave for Crete again, where I’ll spend the next two months. In that time I may begin working on a small handbook about stretches in ways that most of us don’t think of stretching. And happily for me, I hope to work with my 14 year old grandson as illustrator! So excited about this upcoming project.

And today I’m setting in motion the addition to the website of two courses in Crete this November: CORE III/IV, by invitation, and Maturity: the MasterClass, available to those who have taken CORE II or above. I offered this course last year in Scotland and it was well received. If you’d like a fall retreat to beautiful Sitia, Crete, please consider joining me! Limited to 6 participants, and will be on the web soon. I’m teaching far less (most of us are taking a large breath right now in terms of courses) and these two are basically tooled for those who have already received trainings.

Healthwise, I’ve had some severe ups and downs..the last year my body has wanted to betray me, but I’m happy to report that with lots of stretching and attention to what’s going on, I’m feeling quite good these days! I believe I’ll stick around a bit longer! So this isn’t quite a ‘going out of business’ sale, but if you’re interested in working with me, this may be the time.

Wishing all blessings, hopes for success and joy in your worlds, and may you find and share resilience in your own worlds.